
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
A Quick Tip To Start Your Week STRONG February 22, 2015
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
A few years back, I was absolutely blown away by something that happened in my classroom.
In this week's quick tip, I not only share it with you, I tell you about the lesson that comes with it and guess what?
This one silly little lesson can change the trajectory of your career!
Think I'm bluffing?
Then I triple dog dare ya to scroll down and give this a quick listen!
What's the matter, chicken? :)
The Deadline Is Here!
This Tuesday, February 24th, we're going to be hosting our How To Generate More Referrals webinar!
Have you signed up?
Click HERE ASAP to reserve your spot!

Friday Feb 20, 2015
Episode 117 Getting Your Year Back On Track February 20, 2015
Friday Feb 20, 2015
Friday Feb 20, 2015
In this week's episode of The Sales Playbook Podcast we talk about how you can get your year not only back on track, we talk about how to send it into the stratosphere if you're already having a good year!
I offer several tips and even offer a cool freebie to help you along!
Two Opportunities For You To Sell More!
This Tuesday, February 24th we're going to be discussing how you can generate more referrals. For more information, click HERE!
Our next online sales course begins Wednesday, March 4th. For more information, click HERE!
For special pricing on 2 or more participants, email me paul@yoursalesplaybook.com

Sunday Feb 15, 2015
A Quick Sales Tip To Start The Week Strong February 15, 2015
Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Sunday Feb 15, 2015
In this week's quick tip, we talk about 3 non negotiable things you need to be doing with your clients.
I'm also willing to bet that if you don't do these 3 simple things with your clients, your competitors would be more than happy to oblige!
Go ahead, I triple dog dare ya to give this week's quick tip a quick listen!
Missed Opportunity?
Tell a group of sales professionals that referrals are crucial and you get a wave of eye rolls and a roar of “Duhs!”
Ask them if they’re actually asking for referrals and suddenly everyone breaks eye contact!
We all know we should be asking for referrals but sadly most of us don’t.
Here’s What A Group Of Sales Reps Told Me Recently
“It feels weird”
“It makes the conversation get weird”
“I feel like it’s too salesy”
“I feel like I’m begging them for something”
“It never seems like the right time”
Sound familiar?
So clearly there are no shortage of reasons why we don’t ask but sadly . . .
Money Is Being Left On The Table!
Meanwhile, the referral is the lowest hanging of the low hanging fruit for the aspiring sales rock star (and you can quote me on that!)
And here’s the really messed up part . . .
We’d rather pick up the phone and risk getting our ass kicked from complete strangers all because we lack a good referral game plan (and feel funny asking too)!
That’s just plain silly folks!
So I decided to create a webinar and here’s what I plan on sharing . . .
- How to set the stage for and how to get more referrals from not only your clients but people you’ve never worked with.
- One simple little thing you can do that can easily double and triple the amount of referrals you’re getting right now!
- A 3 step conversation segue that not only keeps it from “getting weird” but increases your referrals, up selling opportunities and testimonials. You’re welcome!
- How to dramatically increase the amount of REPEAT referrals you’re receiving!
- 2 super important things you need to understand about why your clients actually want to refer you. Once you understand this you’ll never feel funny about asking for a referral again!
- Did I mention that I’m going to show you all this in a way that keeps it from “getting weird” with your clients?
By the end of the 90 minute webinar, you’ll have a plan you can immediately implement to get more referrals, more repeat referrals and just in case I forgot to mention it, do it in a way where it doesn’t “get weird” with your client!
February 24th, 2015 at 11:30 am EST
Your computer screen. Join us from your favorite chair!
How Much?
What Will You Get?
The 90 minute webinar
Worksheets so you can follow along
A link to the recording of the webinar 24-48 hours after the webinar.
A special bonus eBook after the webinar
Access to me via email for any questions etc
How Do You Sign Up?

Thursday Feb 12, 2015
Episode 116 3 Ways To Generate More Referrals February 12, 2015
Thursday Feb 12, 2015
Thursday Feb 12, 2015
In this week's episode of The Sales Playbook Podcast we explore 3 ways you can generate more referrals.
The best part about these 3 tips is that there is nothing complicated about them and you can easily implement them right away!
So go ahead, check out these free audio tips and then take the simple action steps so you can increase the amount of referrals you're generating!
By The Way . . .
This is exactly what we’re going to be talking about on February 24th during our referral webinar!
Specifically . . .
- How to set the stage for and how to get more referrals from not only your clients but people you’ve never worked with.
- One simple little thing you can do that can easily double and triple the amount of referrals you’re getting right now!
- A 3 step conversation segue that not only keeps it from “getting weird” but increases your referrals, up selling opportunities and testimonials. You’re welcome!
- How to dramatically increase the amount of REPEAT referrals you’re receiving!
- 2 super important things you need to understand about why your clients actually want to refer you. Once you understand this you’ll never feel funny about asking for a referral again!
- Did I mention that I’m going to show you all this in a way that keeps it from “getting weird” with your clients?
To cold call by default because you don’t have a referral strategy in place is not only silly but a surefire way to leave money on the table!
Click HERE for more details (and to reserve your seat) but do it now before your brain finds something convenient to help you NOT to deal with it!

Sunday Feb 08, 2015
A Quick Sales Tip To Start The Week STRONG February 8, 2015
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
There are 3 drivers of sales success and 1 type of activity that actually supports the other 3 but;
Sadly, most sales reps mix up the hierarchy of these activities and as a result never realize their true potential as a sales professional.
In this week's quick tip, I lay it out for you and offer you 3 things, you can do, right now, to focus on the activities that help you achieve higher levels of AWESOME!
Take a moment to give this a listen (I know I'm asking a lot by suggesting that you spend the next few minutes listening to something I'm offering for free but why don't you humor me anyway)
Note: At the end of the tip I mention how after 32 years the results follow which makes it sound like it takes 32 years. Imagine that? What I meant to say was "After 32 years, my experience has been that the results always follow" Sorry, I don't edit my podcasts so occasionally you have to put up with atrocities like that!
My guess is that you haven't enrolled in our How To Generate More Referrals webinar because you're already getting way too many referrals.
In fact, you probably wake up each morning and pray "Dear God, please, I beg of you, don't send any more business my way. I'm making way too much money and I hate having more business"
Please know I want to be just like you when I grow up because sadly . . .
Most sales reps fail to generate an adequate amount of referrals and if we’re being completely honest, most don’t even ask!
In fact, most sales reps would rather call someone cold, than ask a client to refer them.
On February 24th at 11:30 am EST I’m going to be sharing . . .
- How to set the stage for and how to get more referrals from not only your clients but people you’ve never worked with.
- One simple little thing you can do that can easily double and triple the amount of referrals you’re getting right now!
- A 3 step conversation segue that not only keeps it from “getting weird” but increases your referrals, up selling opportunities and testimonials. You’re welcome!
- How to dramatically increase the amount of REPEAT referrals you’re receiving!
- 2 super important things you need to understand about why your clients actually want to refer you. Once you understand this you’ll never feel funny about asking for a referral again!
- Did I mention that I’m going to show you all this in a way that keeps it from “getting weird” with your clients?
By the end of the 90 minute webinar, you’ll have a plan you can immediately implement to get more referrals, more repeat referrals and just in case I forgot to mention it, do it in a way where it doesn’t “get weird” with your client!
For more information (and to reserve your spot) click HERE

Friday Feb 06, 2015
A Quick Tip To END The Week STRONG! February 6, 2015
Friday Feb 06, 2015
Friday Feb 06, 2015
So it's right about now that many of you are trying to tie up all the loose ends before the weekend officially hits.
Some of you are doing your end zone "victory dance" while others are dazed and confused and wondering what the hell just happened to your week.
This quick tip applies to both because in either case you might be missing something far more important.
In fact, I can pretty much guarantee you that you are.
Think I'm kidding?
Think I might be off base?
Then I triple dog dare ya to have a listen to this quick tip and see for yourself!
Are You Leaving Money On The Table?
Most sales reps fail to generate an adequate amount of referrals and if we’re being completely honest, most don’t even ask!
In fact, most sales reps would rather call someone cold, than ask a client to refer them.
On February 24th at 11:30 am EST I’m going to be sharing . . .
- How to set the stage for and how to get more referrals from not only your clients but people you’ve never worked with.
- One simple little thing you can do that can easily double and triple the amount of referrals you’re getting right now!
- A 3 step conversation segue that not only keeps it from “getting weird” but increases your referrals, up selling opportunities and testimonials. You’re welcome!
- How to dramatically increase the amount of REPEAT referrals you’re receiving!
- 2 super important things you need to understand about why your clients actually want to refer you. Once you understand this you’ll never feel funny about asking for a referral again!
- Did I mention that I’m going to show you all this in a way that keeps it from “getting weird” with your clients?
By the end of the 90 minute webinar, you’ll have a plan you can immediately implement to get more referrals, more repeat referrals and just in case I forgot to mention it, do it in a way where it doesn’t “get weird” with your client!
For more information (and to reserve your spot) click HERE

Sunday Jan 18, 2015
A Quick Sales Tip To Start The Week STRONG January 18, 2015
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
This week’s quick tip addresses something that many of us disregard and yet. it can make a huge difference in our day.
Sound like I’m exaggerating? Well then you might want to give this a quick listen (especially to the study I reference)
Go ahead, I triple dog dare ya and it will only take a few minutes out of your life!
Join Us This Tuesday As We Discuss . . .
How You Can ROCK 2015!
On January 20th, we’re going to be talking about how you can crush it this year and truly own 2015!
We’re going to be talking goals, game plans and those pesky obstacles that try and keep us from kicking ass!
Click HERE to learn more and to reserve your spot!
Just do it soon because registration ends on the 19th! In other words . . .
Stop procrastinating and invest in yourself this year!

Monday Jan 12, 2015
Episode 115 There Are No "Rules" In Sales January 13, 2015
Monday Jan 12, 2015
Monday Jan 12, 2015
In this week's episode of The Sales Playbook podcast we take a look at 5 people/companies that refused to follow the "rules"
When I say "rules", I mean doing things the way their peers do them.
And quite frankly, I mean doing things that are contrary to what people are accustomed to!
It’s Time To Hunt For Business Differently!
If you want different results when it comes to bringing in new business, then perhaps its time to try something different!
Click HERE to check it out!

Sunday Jan 11, 2015
A Quick Tip To Start The Week Strong January 11, 2015
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
This week, in less than 3 minutes, I offer 4 questions that could have a profound impact on your year and quite frankly, your life.
These 4 questions center around something that most people completely fail to do.
I know, because it took me the greater part of my life to finally OWN this lesson!
Wishing you all an AWESOME week ahead!
I create courses and offer coaching to help you sell more! To learn how, click HERE!

Sunday Jan 04, 2015
A Quick Sales Tip From Paul Castain January 4, 2015
Sunday Jan 04, 2015
Sunday Jan 04, 2015
This week's quick tip is absolutely non negotiable, you have to listen to it!
It's timely as all heck and speaks to something that we ALL need to do starting tomorrow!
Are You Truly Ready For 2015?
On January 20th we're going to be offering you a Playbook For A More Successful Year
Click HERE for details!